Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Class Responce

In class we have been learning about weather. Wheather plaays a very important part in life. Some weather affects are the Coriolis affect, Doldrums, Trade winds, Horse Latitudes, Prevailing Westerlies, Polar Easterlies, and Jet streams. We also learned, as you rise up through the atmosphere, air preasure and temperature change dramatically. The four main layers of the atmosphere are the statosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and the ionosphere. Also that the hottest temperature in the atmosphere occurs in the thermosphere. Actually first of all, the themospher is the inner, or lowest, layer of Earth's atmosphere. The stratosphere extends from the top of the troposphere to about Earth's surface. The mesosphere is the layer of Earth's atmospher above the stratosphere. The thermosphere is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere. It extends from 80 kilometers outward into space with no definate outer limit.
One tool that helps mesure wind speed is the anemometer. We could use weather in many ways. For example rain we use to grow crops. Snow we use to have fun. Sun we also use to help our grops grow. To much rain could harm us with floods. No rain at all could make our crops dry out and then we won't have food. Just enough weather is good but alittle to much could sometimes be harmful.

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